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The many faces of black hole accretion
Thursday 01 July
09:00 Introduction (Claudio Ricci & Violette Impellizzeri)
Session I (Chair: Benny Trakhtenbrot; Facilitator: Violette Impellizzeri)
09:00 -- 09:20 Chris Done The structure of the inner accretion flow in AGN and how it changes with L/LEdd
09:20 -- 09:40 Erin Kara An observational overview of the inner accretion flow in AGN
09:40 -- 10:00 Adam Ingram Accretion properties of black hole X-ray binaries and comparison to AGN
10:00 -- 10:20 Sara Elisa Motta Observational properties of X-ray binaries: accretion and feedback around stellar-mass compact objects
10:20 -- 10:30 Andrea Marinucci The lively accretion disk in NGC2992: detection and modeling of transient Iron K emission lines.
Session II (Chair: Mislav Balokovic; Facilitator: Violette Impellizzeri)
11:00 -- 11:10 Riccardo Arcodia eROSITA discoveries of Quasi-Periodic Eruptions
11:10 -- 11:20 Michael Parker Building Models of AGN X-ray Variability
11:20 -- 11:30 Enrico Piconcelli Disclosing the role of nuclear winds in shaping the accretion disk-corona system properties in AGN
11:30 -- 11:40 Dominic Walton AGN Spin in the NuSTAR Era
11:40 -- 11:50 Tonima Tasnim Ananna BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey: Distribution Functions of X-ray Luminosity, Black Hole Mass and Eddington Ratios
11:50 -- 12:10 David Williamson Dynamical Simulations of AGN Circumnuclear Regions
12:10 -- 12:30 Cristina Ramos Almeida Multi-scale and multi-wavelength observations of the AGN torus and its surroundings
Session III (Chair: Violette Impellizzeri; Facilitator: Mislav Balokovic)
16:30 -- 16:40 Daniel Anglés-Alcázar The many scales of massive black hole accretion
16:40 -- 16:50 Ari Laor What can we learn from the optical polarization in quasars?
16:50 -- 17:00 Jinyi Shangguan Resolving the Active Galactic Nuclei with VLTI/GRAVITY
17:00 -- 17:10 Bozena Czerny The geometry of the Broad Line Region in AGN and its interaction with the accretion disk
17:10 -- 17:20 Francoise Combes High resolution maps of molecular tori with ALMA
17:20 -- 17:30 Santiago Garcia-Burillo The Galaxy Activity, Torus and Ouflows Survey (GATOS)
17:30 -- 17:40 Violeta Gámez Rosas NGC 1068 MATISSE imaging and thermal map of the dust close to the AGN
17:40 -- 17:50 Raffaella Morganti Impact of evolving radio jets on the molecular circumnuclear gas
17:50 -- 18:00 Taiki Kawamuro Circumnuclear Scale Gas around Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei Studied with Chandra and ALMA CO(J=2-1)
Friday 2 July
Session IV (Chair: Claudia Cicone; Facilitator: David Rosario)
09:00 -- 09:10 Ryan Hickox Heavily Obscured AGN: Torus or Host Galaxy?
09:10 -- 09:30 Melanie Habouzit Interplay between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies
09:30 -- 09:50 Sylvain Veilleux AGN Feedback: From the Central Engine to the Host Galaxy and Beyond
09:50 -- 10:00 Kastytis Zubovas Unveiling the activity history of galaxies with the help of AGN-outflow correlations
10:00 -- 10:10 Roberto Maiolino The magnanimous side of AGN
10:10 -- 10:20 Marcella Brusa The first archetypal Quasar in the feedback phase discovered by eROSITA
10:20 -- 10:30 Vivian U The Genesis of a Molecular Outflow
Session V (Chair: Susanne Aalto; Facilitator: David Rosario)
11:00 -- 11:10 Giacomo Venturi The effect of compact low-power AGN jets on the host galaxy ISM as seen by VLT/MUSE
11:10 -- 11:20 Rebecca Davies Probing the Impact of AGN-Driven Outflows on Nuclear, Galactic and Circumgalactic Scales at z~2
11:20 -- 11:30 Maria Vittoria Zanchettin High resolution study of the multiphase gas in Local Seyfert Galaxies with ALMA and MUSE@VLT
11:30 -- 11:40 Isabel Montoya Arroyave How do galaxy mergers and feedback processes affect the kinematics and excitation of molecular gas?
11:40 -- 11:50 Kohei Ichikawa Rapidly growing supermassive black holes in extremely radio-loud galaxies
11:50 -- 12:10 Massimo Cappi The way Athena will change our view of nearby and distant AGN
12:10 -- 12:30 Frédéric Marin The physics and environment of accreting black holes: prospects from X-ray polarimetry
Session VI (Chair: Mike Koss; Facilitator: Claudio Ricci)
16:30 -- 16:50 Ric Davies An extremely sharp view of AGN with the Extremely Large Telescope Invited talk
16:50 -- 17:10 Nancy Levenson Prospects for Resolving Nearby AGN with JWST Invited talk
17:10 -- 17:30 Jeff Wagg The SKA view of AGN
17:30 -- 18:00 Discussion session (Leads: Leonard Burtscher, Claudia Cicone, David Rosario)
Sébastien Comerón An detailed view of the medium around the SMBH in NGC 7130 with MUSE and adaptive optics 122
Guang Yang What drives the growth of black holes? 5
Ilaria Ruffa The AGN fuelling/feedback cycle in nearby low-excitation radio galaxies 2067
Johan Comparat The final SDSS-IV/SPIDERS X-ray point source spectroscopic catalogue 26
Johannes Buchner Testing physically motivated obscurer models with NuSTAR 49
William Matzko Ionized Outflows in Merging Galaxies as a Function of Merger Stage 1321
Filippo Maccagni AGN feeding and feedback in Fornax A 1326
Keigo Fukumura Modeling Circumnuclear X-ray Obscuration by Disk-Winds in AGNs 473
Ko-yun Huang Characterizing the shock properties in the circumnuclear disk (CND) of NGC1068 1823
James Petley Connecting Winds to Radio: Constraining the Geometry of Quasars with Strong Outflows 1074
Victoria Fawcett An X-shooter insight into dust-reddened quasars 56
Xiaoyang Chen Co-spatial gas feeding of SMBHs and remnant SF regions in Swift/BAT selected "IR pure-AGNs” 1339
Xiaoyang Chen Discovery of a Faint AGN in a ULIRG with Kpc-scale Fast Wind 57
Priyanjali Patel ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI in the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) 2130
Krisztina Gabanyi Investigating radio emission from dust-obscured galaxies using the FIRST radio survey 356
Emily Moravec Investigating AGN Accretion States by Comparing Radio-AGN with Different Radio Morphologies to X-ray Binaries 87
Wuji Wang Spatially mapping the metal-enriched absorbing CGM of a massive galaxy at z~4.5 931
Turgay Caglar The BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey: the MBH - σ relation of 200 type 1 AGNs in the nearby universe 2365
Peggy Varniere On the road to apply QPO models made for X-ray binaries toward higher mass systems. 962
Aishwarya Girdhar Quasar Feedback Survey – the impact of jets and multi-phase outflows on their host galaxies 913
Federica Ricci Peering into the hidden BLR: constraining the virial factor in obscured X-ray selected local AGN 202
Federica Ricci Molecular gas content of two obscured AGN at the peak of galaxy evolution 201
Izzy Garland Bar-driven fuelling as a means of merger-free supermassive black hole growth 241
Lorenzo Barquín-González The Nature of intermediate type AGN 680
Abhijeet Borkar Search for a holistic interpretation of variable accretion 269
Begoña García-lorenzo Stellar morpho-kinematic of AGN hosts at around the cosmic noon with ELT-HARMONI 649
Tathagata Saha Inferring AGN torus morphology using X-ray spectra: A reliability study 922
Marco Laurenti XMM-Newton reveals a large fraction of intrinsically X-ray weak AGN among high-Eddington quasars 295
Christopher Carroll Extremely Obscured AGNs: CT Fraction and NH Estimates 2414
Michael Koss BASS DR2 Survey Data Release 2100
Michael Koss Molecular Gas in Nearby Hard X-ray Selected AGN Galaxies 2106
Georgios Paraschos Where is the black hole of 3C84 located? 324
Denis Wittor Dissecting the turbulent weather driven by mechanical AGN feedback 344
Samuel Barnier Applying the Jet emitting Disk model to AGN and reproducing the UV/X and radio/X broadband correlations 611
Jakub Podgorny Polarisation of reflected X-ray emission from accretion discs in Active Galactic Nuclei 1190
Sara Cazzoli Exploring outflows in LINERs: MUSE and MEGARA dissect NGC1052 485
Matthew Thorne Merger-Free BH growth and co-evolution 1507
Alberto Masini Obscured, or Unobscured? That is the question! Dissecting AGN spectra from the new Chandra Legacy survey in Bootes 671
Iván Ezequiel Lopez Looking for constraints in SMBH accretion ratio distributions 486
Alessia Tortosa X-Ray light curves variability properties of the Sy1 BASS galaxies from XMM-Newton observations. 451
Alessia Tortosa Broad-Band X-ray study of the Hyper-Eddington AGN IRAS 04416+1215 452
Laura Hermosa Muñoz Halpha imaging of LINERs with ALFOSC/NOT and HST: morphological signatures of outflows 693
Bruno Rodriguez Del Pino Incidence and properties of ionized outflows in MaNGA DR2 galaxies 2073
Tek Prasad Adhikari The Multiphase medium in the centre of Centaurus A 538
Agata Różańska The density of an accretion disk atmosphere 656
Mislav Balokovic Resolving the AGN Torus Using Broadband X-ray and Radio Observations 2019
Suzan Dogan Disc Tearing Instability 603
Lingsong Ge Reconstructing AGN X-ray spectral parameter distributions with Bayesian methods 1448
Matthew Temple Constraining the demographics of SMBH accretion with ultraviolet emission lines: new insights from CLOUDY 2046
Matthew Temple Linking quasar outflows with circumnuclear dust emission 1971
Giustina Vietri The SUPER survey: BLR vs NLR winds 2083
Giovanna Speranza A Multi-Phase Outflow Characterization In The Obscured Quasar J0945+1737 759
Giovanna Speranza Ionized outflow properties in a sample of 37 radio galaxies 2135
Isabella Lamperti Molecular outflows in ULIRGs with ALMA 1797
Dimitrios Irodotou The effects of AGN feedback on discs/bars/bulges in Auriga galaxies. 758
Peter Boorman Resolving X-ray Obscuration Biases with Isotropic AGN Selection - the NuLANDS Legacy Survey 1996
Dominika Wylezalek Observational signatures of AGN feedback across cosmic time 807
Matas Tartėnas Improving black hole accretion treatment in numerical hydrodynamical simulations 905
Alessandra Zaino The circumnuclear environment of NGC 4388 1067
Folkert Nobels The connection between AGN, cold gas and gas in the circumgalactic medium 2159
Saikruba Krishnan Tools for searching periodic signals in AGN in the era of "Big Data" 1915
Thomas Dauser Relativistic Reflection: The Impact of Returning Radiation on Black Hole Spin Measurements 2267
Gabriele Matzeu Evidence and characterization of ultra-fast outflows in bright local AGN: The SUBWAYS sample 1151
Thomas Boller eROSITA discovery of extreme ultra-soft X-ray variability in the NLS1 1H 0707-495 939
Ignacio del Moral-castro Have large‐scale identical active and non-active galaxies different host galaxy properties? 1478
James Matthews Emission lines, feedback and the disc-wind-jet connection in AGN: a combined observational and modelling perspective 972
Joanna Piotrowska Observations and simulations agree: integrated AGN feedback governs quenching in massive central galaxies 1179
Alfredo Luminari Speed limits for radiation driven SMBH winds: implications for the origin of UFOs 976
Alessio Marino Tracking the evolution of the accretion flow in MAXI J1820+070 with the JED-SAD paradigm. 990
Sophie Koudmani Black Hole Feedback in New Regimes: Modelling Dwarf Galaxies with Active Galactic Nuclei 1232
Ismael Garcia-bernete Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in active galactic nuclei 1088
Gibwa Musoke MHD simulations of the candidate parsec-scale jet from Sgr A* 1847
Giulia Tozzi Connecting nuclear ultra-fast outflows and galaxy-scale winds in nearby and distant quasars 1237
Koushik Chatterjee Imaging plasmoids, warps and distortions in black hole jets using next-generation 3D GRMHD simulations 1203
Teng Liu Characterizing the eFEDS X-ray point-source catalog with simulation and spectral analysis 1366
Nicolas Scepi Magnetic field advection and magnetic flux reversals in AGN 1267
Doosoo Yoon 3D GRMHD Simulations with Radiative Cooling for Hot Accretion Flow Around Sgr A* 1472
Sibasish Laha Clumps of clouds obscuring AGN: An extensive X-ray spectral variability study of a sample of Compton-thin type-II galaxies 2214
Atsushi Tanimoto NuSTAR Observations of Compton-thick Active Galactic Nuclei Selected by the Swift/BAT All-sky Hard X-Ray Survey 1316
Tian Li SINFONI observations of the Circinus galaxy 1594
Luis Peralta de Arriba Resolving the ionized outflow in NGC2110 with MEGARA@GTC 1405
Elena Bertola The wind duty cycle of the Einstein Cross 2075
Leonard Burtscher LLAMA: Stellar populations in the nuclei of ultra-hard X-ray selected AGNs and matched inactive galaxies 1450
Alice Deconto Machado Radio-Loud and High Accretors in the context of the quasar Main Sequence 1493
Mark Gorski Methanimine Megamasers Discovered Towards Compact Obscure Nuclei 1655
Anelise Audibert ALMA Observations of Trailing Nuclear Spirals as Black Hole Fuelling Mechanisms in Low Luminosity AGN 1660
Laura Martínez Ramírez Panchromatic characterisation of AGN - From the radio to the X-rays 1585
Stephen Molyneux Using sub-mm observations to understand the role of molecular gas in quasar feedback and the impact of jets and outflows on the ISM 1811
Brivael Laloux Towards Modelling ghostly DLA quasars 1865
Irina Vavilova Multiwavelength properties and SMBH masses of the low redshift isolated AGNs 1629
Mary Loli Martinez Aldama The potential use of the optical FeII and the NIR CaII II as a chemical clock 2306
Javiera Ahumada Searching for Intermediate Mass Black Holes in the Eridanus Cloud 2217
Chiara Circosta The impact of AGN activity on the gas properties of their host galaxies at cosmic noon 2305
Ryan Pfeifle BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey-XXIII: A New Mid-Infrared Diagnostic for Absorption in Active Galactic Nuclei 2137
Violette Impellizzeri The Structure and Kinematics of the Water Megamaser Disk of NGC1068 1891
Michele Perna PUMA survey: a MUSE view of extreme gas kinematics in local ULIRGs 2090
Paulina Lira The population of local IMBHs as discovered by variability 2047
Rozenn Boissay-Malaquin Chandra/HETGS and NuSTAR observations of the quasar PDS 456 and its ultra-fast outflow components 2027
Luigi Barchiesi X-ray analysis and optical-IR SED fitting of [Ne V]-selected type 2 AGN 2126
Michal Zajacek Black hole feedback in the Galactic center: transition of old stars into young ones via their interaction with the jet 2109
Leah Morabito The origin of radio emission in broad absorption line quasars 2152
Joy Oluchi Anih Infrared variability of Active Galactic Nuclei 2289
Karthik Balasubramanaiam Chandra study of Restarted Radio Galaxies 2366
Tim Waters The critical radius at which ionized AGN winds become clumpy due to thermal instability 2379
Melissa Bierschenk Mid-Infrared Line Diagnostics for Spitzer/BASS Active Galactic Nuclei 2381
Jiachen Jiang High Density Disc Reflection Spectroscopy 496
Jiachen Jiang The Awakening Beast in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy KUG 1141+371 497
Darshan Kakkad Resolved outflow scaling relations in low-z galaxies reveal possible jet-mode feedback in accreting AGN 997
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